Oregon State Fair 2016

Oregon State Fair 2016:


First up, we have this Chocolate-Dipped Cheesecake with Sprinkles (on-a-stick). As cute as it looks, one fairgoer said this was “the first time I considered just spitting out one of these concoctions.” Why? Apparently neither the chocolate nor the cheesecake is any good, and the whole thing tastes like the sugar bomb it is.


What deep-fried treats haven’t we seen so far? Well, how about Twix? They come in pairs, naturally.


The same can’t be said for the Deep-Fried Pop-Tart. Apparently, it doesn’t turn out as well as you’d expect, as “the combination of the deep-fried breading and the mushy Pop-Tart breading is so overwhelming that the tiny sliver of fruit-flavored jam-like substance and icing only make it more disgusting.” Hm. Maybe it’s the fruit that’s the problem. Perhaps they should try some of Pop-Tart’s soda– or candy-based varieties?


These Deep-Fried Mashed Potato Balls also contain bacon and cheese, because of course they do.


How about a Texas Turkey Leg? This hunk of meat is cooked over a wood fire.


This Elephant Ear is several feet in diameter and only $9.




Also several feet long? This bacon-wrapped spicy sausage.


One more foot-long? This Monster Cheeseburger, with a patty that’s more than a foot across. C’mon, it’s the state fair. Big isn’t big enough; you gotta wrap that shit in bacon or deep-fry it.


If my eyes could eat, I’d be fit to burst from this Monster Fry Brick. It’s a tangle of curly fries that come in different sizes, although anything less than “the biggest” would be an affront to the State Fair Gods.

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